SUV - Super Ugly Vehicle.
Okay to qualify my posting, I am not sipping sour grapes at this moment.
Anyway, my wife regularly purges the fridge of any expired food.
So no fremented grapes to even land in my hands, let alone venture into my mouth.
All right, back to the bashing of SUVs.
Have you ever stopped at a redlight, and encountered an over sized, monstrous
and Yes Super Ugly looking Vehicle cruising down to your left side and stopping.
Together with you, he waits for the light to turn green.
And then he turns to the side, tilts his specs lower, looks over his specs and noticed that you are driving a lesser vehicle. Then he turns back and puts on a air of self importance...
2500 cc versus 1500 cc.
Si Chow Botak head!!!
Wah, your pride then takes a back seat. Whimper whimper...whine whine whine
Then he goes on to rub more salt into your shattered ego. Wah Kauz...!!!
By rev-ing his neutral, stationary metal machine, until the roaring sound overwhelms the music on your car radio.
Wah Kauz!!!! drive small vehicle is sin meh?? big Car Need to show off until like that meh?
Must big Car yah yah until like that?
Engine powerful must show off until like that meh?
scared no one knows you got sibay alot of money to burn issit? Wah kauz!!!
Mai hor nin bay tui teo your car later..( dun let me overtake your car later).
Light turns green.
Smoke trails follows.
Small Vehicle only reach 20km/hr on first gear.
SUV missing liao.
Big Car really big deal lor. Wah Kauz!!!!
Ego dented.
No handy plaster big enough to patch it.
I vowed from that day onwards to buy within my budget a bigger vehicle to beat that stupid SUV.
Nissan Lorry. I did managed to find and eat the sour grapes afterall.