This mind of mine has been dormant for some time lately.
Simply lack inspiration to spin some good literature out.
Therefore, rather than to make a great fool of myself, and write nonsense
It's better to lay down and play it cool.
Anyway, even in the midst of a self imposed retreat,
I still keep you folks in my mind. So whenever there are great things to share,
my inner soul stirs me to share it out.
Today's Topic.........Are you Addicited to Anything in your life?
Most of us have a certain amount of self indulgence in ourselves. Its a great feeling to have it,
cos more often than not, it actually mojos the endorphins in our body system, and jeeve them to
a beat that really makes us feel great joy and intense happiness.
But have you ever realised that in the midst of that great feeling of satisfaction,
there usually lurks a darker thing that never blogs inself across your mind.
And its usually hidden right deep within your sub consciousness.
ADDICTION is the word...
You cant be addicted to something you dun like
You cant be addicted to something that you hate
And you most certainly cannot be addicted to things that makes you feel sad.
likely the thing that you are doing gives u JOY
ADDICTION and JOY are like North Korea and South Korea.
ADDICTION can manifested out of JOY if left unchecked.
So while JOY is good for our heart, ADDICTION can turn hearts around, and often in the wrong direction.
But yet the funny thing is that we almost always never realise that we are gradually slipping into addiction of sorts. We never believe that the word ADDICTION will ever be used on us. We never could believe that we end up as ADDICTs one day....
But the truth out there and within here is the same.....
We are ADDICTS. we are addicts in our own little ways, addicted to alcohol, addicted to consumer goods, addicted to the opposite sex, addicted to diamond rings, addicted to money, addicted to power, addicted to sorcery, addicted to vanity..........addicted to eating.................
.........if you dun believe, you just have to re-evaluate yourself with the following...
1) is there something that makes you feel good each time you do it or own it?
2) will you be lacking of something if you do not think about that thing for one month?
3) do you constantly search for that thing, or grab resources for that thing?
4) does it take up at least 20% of your living time?
if the answers to the above are all YES, you are likely an ADDICT.
Be it whether that thing which you are addicted to is a GOOD thing or a BAD thing, you are an ADDICT...
so likely you need help.... because while some are clear cut sins, others when over indulged becomes idols moulded out of your heart, and that is sin in God's eyes.
anyway, i prowled the internet.... and come up with this
6 steps to purging ADDICTION from your life.
There are ways to turn back and regain strength.
You have already started to with the confession and acknowledging the wrong.
You are not longer in sin because the LORD says that you have been forgiven.
The ways to be free are:
1. Decide that it is sin...
You have already done that. Do not normalize it and say that everyone is doing it. You are not everyone. You are a child of the Most High.
2. Discern the consequences....
You also know this already. It is tearing you further away from God and your friends. The seduction is leading you down a path that is weakening your thoughts, your will, your conscience. James 1:14-15 says "but each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed. Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death." Learn to be recognize seduction... Which leads to point 3.
3. Deflate it by expecting it...
Recognize that you are weak and vulnerable to this. Be sure to know that you will be weak and vulnerable to this for years, not for the next few weeks. Admit to yourself that you are addicted.As any addict, move away from that bunch of friends who are share the same addiction as you. So, isolate yourself from them completely.Don't trust yourself. Give yourself no opportunity . Be accountable to someone who you can trust and whom you can call. To defeat any addiction, you will need to choke it to death before it does the same to you. Close any cracks to might give the evil one a toe hold over you. If you fall, confess your sin and take note of how it happened and fix that crack in your armor. Remember, prevention is better than cure. which leads us to point 4.
4. Determine to flee from it....
Every time you hear the voice of addiction that is compelling you to go to it, RUN. Disciplined your mind. Re-start the process of rebuilding your self-worth and disciplining your mind to be strong in whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is non-materialistic, whatever is admirable-- if anything is excellent or praiseworthy-- think about such things. Each time that addiction calls, let it be a reminder to do any of the above. That will cause Addiction to leave you much faster.
6.Draw near to God....
As you do point 5, you will start to draw closer to God. He will show you the root of this problem and in love, He will help you destroy it for good. This isn't going to be a simple battle. It will take some time because it is due to a root that has been there for a while. Allow God to work along with you to set you free. In all of this, believe that God is able to do all things. And look to Him because you will be able to bring others out of this same problem when you are finally free.
So my dear friends, time to sit up and do it right again =)